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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Free Speech, Knotted Knickers, And A Warning

There are those among us who have grown mighty riled about some comments made by Reverend Jeremiah Wright, pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ, one of whose more famous parishioners is one Barack Obama, Senator from Illinois, and hopeful Democratic Presidential Nominee.

To those people, a word of warning: White American preachers have said much worse than the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Cenk Uygur documents, with links, how many have said Americans deserved to die in the attacks of 9/11, America deserved the destruction of hurricanes, America was founded to destroy Islam (Rev. Parsley, John McCain's "spiritual advisor"); we wonder if our Islamic allies in the Middle-East, whom John McCain is currently visiting on the taxpayer's dime (we presume) have any idea that the man they are talking to has a spiritual advisor who wants him to destroy their nations?

Apparently, we have let people like the Rev. Jerry Fallwell, John Hagee (who refers to the Catholic Church as The Great Whore), and Rod Parsley say these things without restraint. Because, after all, freedom of speech is one of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

If those of you who have your panties in a bunch decide that Rev. Wright should not be permitted to speak as he has, remember that that same rule can be applied to any other preacher in any other pulpit. Mike Huckabee recognizes this, which is why he is speaking up in support of Rev. Wright. Frank Schaefer recognizes this, which is why he is speaking up in support of Rev. Wright, while pointing out that his late father, who said many things similar to Rev. Wright, was honored by Reagan and other politicians despite his words.

And another thing: having failed to find anything to throw at Obama, it appears that those who don't want him for our next President are trying out guilt by association. As if a man or woman is responsible for what their preacher, or hairstylist, or boss, or brother-in-law says. Do you want that standard applied to you? Or to your candidate? There is a very simple way to ensure that your candidate wins the election: vote for him or her. Hand out leaflets, campaign in your neighbourhood, work for the campaign. That is the democratic way to ensure the election of the candidate that you prefer.

Trying to smear someone else's candidate for the remarks of their preacher is a dangerously undemocratic, un-American thing to do.

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At 6:33 PM, Blogger Distributorcap said...

Trying to smear someone else's candidate for the remarks of their preacher is a dangerously undemocratic, un-American thing to do.

and has that ever stopped the nazis. oops republicans or the clintons.

why cant the msm talk about what their dear st. ronnie said about aids, or falwell about 9/11


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